Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Nick Mennona, Charles T. Husar Fellowship in Physics, 2023.
- Shuyao Gu, Ruth Davis Fellowship Fund for Mathematics & Physics, 2023.
- Spandan Pathak, Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship, 2023.
- Spandan Pathak, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2020-2022.
- Corey Herr, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2020-2022.
- Sylvester Gates, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2020-2022.
- Qixin Yang, Ruth Davis Fellowship Fund for Mathematics & Physics, 2020.
- Phillip Alvarez, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2019-2022.
- Nick Mennona, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2019-2022.
- Leonard Campanello, Monroe H. Martin Graduate Research Fellowship, 2019.
- Abby Bull, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2018-2022.
- Leonard Campanello, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2018-2020.
- Rachel Lee, T32 Training Fellowship in Cancer Biology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 2017-2019.
- Matt Hourwitz, Cancer Research Training Award /Visiting Fellowship, 2017-2018.
- Rachel Lee, ARCS Foundation Scholar, JCM Foundation, 2014-2016.
- Matt Harrington, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2014.
- Rachel Lee, ARCS Endowed Fellowship, 2013-2014.
- Can Guven, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2013.
- Joshua Parker, DOD-SMART Fellowship, 2012-2015.
- Matt Harrington, Chateaubriand Fellowship, Summer 2012, Fellowship from the City of Rennes (France).
- Joshua Parker, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2011.
- Mark Herrera, DOD Graduate Student Fellowship, 2010.
- Meghan Driscoll, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2009.
- Erin Rericha, Burroughs Wellcome Fund Interfaces in Sciences Award, 2007.
- Beatriz Burrola, Mexican Government Fellowship, 2006.
- Sejin Han, Korean Embassy Scholarship, 2005.
Other Awards
- Corey Herr, Graduate School’s Outstanding Research Assistant Award, AY 2021-2022.
- Spandan Pathak, Ralph Myers & Friends of Physics Teaching Assistant Award, May 2023.
- Spandan Pathak, Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, February 2023.
- Wolfgang Losert, Elected as an AAAS Fellow, January 2023.
- Douglas Domingues, Undergraduate Research Showcase Award, Physics Department, May 2022.
- Kate O’Neill gave an invited talk, “Cytoskeletal dynamics of astrocytes in response to chemophysical cues”, at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, CA., November 2022.
- Kate O'Neill, Society for Neuroscience Trainee Professional Development Award, October 2021.
- Colin Yancy, Ralph Myers & Friends of Physics Teaching Assistant Award, May 2020.
- Rachel Lee, Best Postdoc Poster, University of Maryland 10th Annual Cancer Biology Research Retreat, June 2019.
- Kate O'Neill, The George A. Snow Memorial Award, May 2019, for her commitment to helping advance the representation of women in the field of physics.
- Leonard Campanello, CMNS All-S.T.A.R. Nominee, Spring 2018.
- Allison Kang, Maryland Summer Scholar, Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research, Summer 2018.
- Leonard Campanello, Graduate School's Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award, Spring 2018.
- Rachel Lee, Best Postdoc Oral Presentation, University of Maryland 9th Annual Cancer Biology Research Retreat, Spring 2018.
- Samira Aghayee, Best Poster, University of Maryland Biophysics Student Visit Day, Spring 2018.
- Rachel Lee, University of Maryland School of Medicine Postdoctoral Travel Award, Spring 2018.
- Leonard Campanello, BioImage Informatics Travel Award, Fall 2017.
- Rachel Lee, Trainee Poster Competition, 1st Place , University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Day, Fall 2017.
- Jordan Corbett-Frank, BioImage Informatics Travel Award, Fall 2017.
- Rachel Lee, The George A. Snow Memorial Award, May 2016, for her commitment to helping advance the representation of women in the field of physics.
- Deborah Hemingway, Bioscience Day Poster Award -- Education/Curricular Innovation, Fall 2016.
- Rachel Lee, SIAM Student Travel Award, 2015.
- Zeshan Tariq, HHMI Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2014.
- Matt Harrington, FGSA Travel Award for Excellence in Graduate Research, 2014.
- Satarupa Das, American Society for Cell Biology, Women in Cell Biology Travel Award, 2014.
- Kim Moore, Ralph Meyers and Friends Teaching Award, 2013, Primary Advisor: EF Redish.
- Rachel Lee, Bioscience Day Poster Award -- Biochemistry/Biophysics, Fall 2013.
- Deborah Hemmingway, GRID Presentation Award, Spring 2013.
- Matt Harrington, Burgers Symposium Poster Award, Fall 2013.
- Deborah Hemmingway, Finalist in the MTech Business Model Challenge, Spring 2013.
- Sagar Chowdhury, Engineering Dean's Doctoral Student Research Award, 2013, Primary Advisor: SK Gupta.
- Kerstin Nordstrom, AAAS Media fellowship, 2012.
- Steve Slotterback, The Ralph Myers Award for Exceptional Teaching, Fall 2012.
- Hernan Zhou, Student Poster Award, Burgers Symposium, November 2009.
- Mark Herrera, The Ralph Myers Award for Exceptional Teaching, November 2009.
- Simon Freedman, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND, Summer 2009.
- Beatriz Burrola-Gabilondo, The George A. Snow Memorial Award, November 2009, for starting and running the Maryland Women in Physics Group.
- Joost Weijs, Student Poster Award, Burgers Symposium, November 2008.
- Alex Steinkamp, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND, Summer 2008.
- Sejin Han, APS-Division of Biological Physics Travel Award, 2007.
- Masahiro Toiya, Best Graduate Student Presentation Award, IREAP, Spring 2006.
- Chris Berardi, CMPS Senior Summer Scholarship, 2006.
- Sejin Han, Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center/KSEA Scholarship, 2006.
- Sejin Han, Student Research Achievement Award at the Biophysical Society meeting in Long Beach, CA, February 2005.
- Ricardo Pizarro, IPST - Monroe Martin Prize for undergraduate research, May 2005.
- Kenneth Desmond, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND REU program, Summer 2005.
- Matt Ferguson, Burgers Program Best Poster Award, 2005.
- Katherine Newhall, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND REU program, Summer 2004.
- Justin Stambaugh, Student Research Achievement Award, Biophysical Society meeting in Baltimore, 2004.
- Masahiro Toiya, Best Poster Award– Burgers Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Univ of Maryland, November 2004.
- Masahiro Toiya, Best Graduate Student Presentation Award, IREAP, Fall 2003.
- Dominic Britti, Undergraduate Research Fellowship in IREAP, Spring 2003.
- Michael Newey, Cosmos Club Fellowship, Spring 2003.
- Masahiro Toiya, Cosmos Club Fellowship, Spring 2003.