Graduate and Postdoctoral Fellowships

  1. Nick Mennona, Charles T. Husar Fellowship in Physics, 2023.
  2. Shuyao Gu, Ruth Davis Fellowship Fund for Mathematics & Physics, 2023.
  3. Spandan Pathak, Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship, 2023.
  4. Spandan Pathak, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2020-2022.
  5. Corey Herr, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2020-2022.
  6. Sylvester Gates, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2020-2022.
  7. Qixin Yang, Ruth Davis Fellowship Fund for Mathematics & Physics, 2020.
  8. Phillip Alvarez, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2019-2022.
  9. Nick Mennona, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2019-2022.
  10. Leonard Campanello, Monroe H. Martin Graduate Research Fellowship, 2019.
  11. Abby Bull, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2018-2022.
  12. Leonard Campanello, University of Maryland COMBINE Fellow, UMD COMBINE, 2018-2020.
  13. Rachel Lee, T32 Training Fellowship in Cancer Biology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 2017-2019.
  14. Matt Hourwitz, Cancer Research Training Award /Visiting Fellowship, 2017-2018.
  15. Rachel Lee, ARCS Foundation Scholar, JCM Foundation, 2014-2016.
  16. Matt Harrington, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2014.
  17. Rachel Lee, ARCS Endowed Fellowship, 2013-2014.
  18. Can Guven, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2013.
  19. Joshua Parker, DOD-SMART Fellowship, 2012-2015.
  20. Matt Harrington, Chateaubriand Fellowship, Summer 2012, Fellowship from the City of Rennes (France).
  21. Joshua Parker, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2011.
  22. Mark Herrera, DOD Graduate Student Fellowship, 2010.
  23. Meghan Driscoll, Thomas Mason Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Research, Summer 2009.
  24. Erin Rericha, Burroughs Wellcome Fund Interfaces in Sciences Award, 2007.
  25. Beatriz Burrola, Mexican Government Fellowship, 2006.
  26. Sejin Han, Korean Embassy Scholarship, 2005.

Other Awards

  1. Corey Herr, Graduate School’s Outstanding Research Assistant Award, AY 2021-2022.
  2. Spandan Pathak, Ralph Myers & Friends of Physics Teaching Assistant Award, May 2023.
  3. Spandan Pathak, Jacob K. Goldhaber Travel Grant, February 2023.
  4. Wolfgang Losert, Elected as an AAAS Fellow, January 2023.
  5. Douglas Domingues, Undergraduate Research Showcase Award, Physics Department, May 2022.
  6. Kate O’Neill gave an invited talk, “Cytoskeletal dynamics of astrocytes in response to chemophysical cues”, at the 2022 Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, CA., November 2022.
  7. Kate O'Neill, Society for Neuroscience Trainee Professional Development Award, October 2021.
  8. Colin Yancy, Ralph Myers & Friends of Physics Teaching Assistant Award, May 2020.
  9. Rachel Lee, Best Postdoc Poster, University of Maryland 10th Annual Cancer Biology Research Retreat, June 2019.
  10. Kate O'Neill, The George A. Snow Memorial Award, May 2019, for her commitment to helping advance the representation of women in the field of physics.
  11. Leonard Campanello, CMNS All-S.T.A.R. Nominee, Spring 2018.
  12. Allison Kang, Maryland Summer Scholar, Maryland Center for Undergraduate Research, Summer 2018.
  13. Leonard Campanello, Graduate School's Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award, Spring 2018.
  14. Rachel Lee, Best Postdoc Oral Presentation, University of Maryland 9th Annual Cancer Biology Research Retreat, Spring 2018.
  15. Samira Aghayee, Best Poster, University of Maryland Biophysics Student Visit Day, Spring 2018.
  16. Rachel Lee, University of Maryland School of Medicine Postdoctoral Travel Award, Spring 2018.
  17. Leonard Campanello, BioImage Informatics Travel Award, Fall 2017.
  18. Rachel Lee, Trainee Poster Competition, 1st Place , University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Day, Fall 2017.
  19. Jordan Corbett-Frank, BioImage Informatics Travel Award, Fall 2017.
  20. Rachel Lee, The George A. Snow Memorial Award, May 2016, for her commitment to helping advance the representation of women in the field of physics.
  21. Deborah Hemingway, Bioscience Day Poster Award -- Education/Curricular Innovation, Fall 2016.
  22. Rachel Lee, SIAM Student Travel Award, 2015.
  23. Zeshan Tariq, HHMI Undergraduate Research Fellowship, 2014.
  24. Matt Harrington, FGSA Travel Award for Excellence in Graduate Research, 2014.
  25. Satarupa Das, American Society for Cell Biology, Women in Cell Biology Travel Award, 2014.
  26. Kim Moore, Ralph Meyers and Friends Teaching Award, 2013, Primary Advisor: EF Redish.
  27. Rachel Lee, Bioscience Day Poster Award -- Biochemistry/Biophysics, Fall 2013.
  28. Deborah Hemmingway, GRID Presentation Award, Spring 2013.
  29. Matt Harrington, Burgers Symposium Poster Award, Fall 2013.
  30. Deborah Hemmingway, Finalist in the MTech Business Model Challenge, Spring 2013.
  31. Sagar Chowdhury, Engineering Dean's Doctoral Student Research Award, 2013, Primary Advisor: SK Gupta.
  32. Kerstin Nordstrom, AAAS Media fellowship, 2012.
  33. Steve Slotterback, The Ralph Myers Award for Exceptional Teaching, Fall 2012.
  34. Hernan Zhou, Student Poster Award, Burgers Symposium, November 2009.
  35. Mark Herrera, The Ralph Myers Award for Exceptional Teaching, November 2009.
  36. Simon Freedman, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND, Summer 2009.
  37. Beatriz Burrola-Gabilondo, The George A. Snow Memorial Award, November 2009, for starting and running the Maryland Women in Physics Group.
  38. Joost Weijs, Student Poster Award, Burgers Symposium, November 2008.
  39. Alex Steinkamp, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND, Summer 2008.
  40. Sejin Han, APS-Division of Biological Physics Travel Award, 2007.
  41. Masahiro Toiya, Best Graduate Student Presentation Award, IREAP, Spring 2006.
  42. Chris Berardi, CMPS Senior Summer Scholarship, 2006.
  43. Sejin Han, Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center/KSEA Scholarship, 2006.
  44. Sejin Han, Student Research Achievement Award at the Biophysical Society meeting in Long Beach, CA, February 2005.
  45. Ricardo Pizarro, IPST - Monroe Martin Prize for undergraduate research, May 2005.
  46. Kenneth Desmond, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND REU program, Summer 2005.
  47. Matt Ferguson, Burgers Program Best Poster Award, 2005.
  48. Katherine Newhall, Undergraduate student presentation award TREND REU program, Summer 2004.
  49. Justin Stambaugh, Student Research Achievement Award, Biophysical Society meeting in Baltimore, 2004.
  50. Masahiro Toiya, Best Poster Award– Burgers Fluid Dynamics Meeting, Univ of Maryland, November 2004.
  51. Masahiro Toiya, Best Graduate Student Presentation Award, IREAP, Fall 2003.
  52. Dominic Britti, Undergraduate Research Fellowship in IREAP, Spring 2003.
  53. Michael Newey, Cosmos Club Fellowship, Spring 2003.
  54. Masahiro Toiya, Cosmos Club Fellowship, Spring 2003.
University of Maryland


Please contact wlosert @ for questions about the Dynamics of Complex Systems lab.